Saturday, December 4, 2010

Delayed Shopping Gratification

The less you spend the less resources you consume. The bottom line is consuming products consumes earth's natural resources. Consume less and when necessary consume wisely. Support companies that are responsible stewards.

This concepts is helping me with my shopping cravings especially now during the holidays. I am spending less but also feeling unstimulated. The feeling of boredom and intense desire to rush to the mall is present with me. My mantra "spend less , spend responsibly" gives purpose to my delayed gratification.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Low Maintenance Breakfast

Plant strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, or any berry yummy with granola and milk.

Make a large batch of homemade granola: nuts, seeds, oats, Add Imagedried fruit.

Store in large glass canning jars.

Pick berries and add yogurt, milk and viola a breakfast of antioxidants, fiber, protein.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The first obstacle: time and energy

How to Maintain Enthusiasm

When you are running around trying to survive it is so hard to throw that plastic container in the recycling bin located in the next office. Or take the old takeout bread out of the paper bag and compost it instead of jetting the entire bag into the trash. My long toenails, grown wild with neglect scratched my 9 month old head, the scratch of an animal. How when I am in neglect can I resuscitate energy to contribute, do more than my part. I cannot. I trudge home, tired from sitting in a grey cubicle typing on a computer. I cannot muster energy for baby as she crawls into my lap. My poor husband has not had a decent hug in months. I am energy less. My mind recounts the bank account, money owed in debt, the worry of finance. This is why I trudge to work is it not?

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Human Cost of this Oil Business

230 people died in Congo July 3rd from an OIL TANKER overturning and exploding.